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姓名: 黄沛瑶 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2019-12-04 16:55:31
标题: 第五届海西商界盛典暨商界人物颁奖礼领袖人物提名告知函
致蔡6163银河网站董事长: 您好! 由《海西商界》杂志主办的第五届海西商界盛典暨2019年度商界人物颁奖典礼举办在即。经由社会各界推荐以及您对海西区域企业建设工作做出的杰出贡献,海西商界组委会很荣幸地通知您入围前二十位“2019年度海西商界十大领袖人物”候选人提名。 本次评选旨在发掘2019年在海西区域做出突出贡献、行业内有较强影响力的优秀企业家,传递海西经济榜样力量,助力海西经济继续砥砺前行。 海西商界盛典历经4年打磨,已成为海西区域颇具影响力与规模的商界盛世。本届海西商界盛典将于2019年12月31日在厦门国际会议中心酒店国宴厅隆重举办,以“再造商业力”为核心主题,洞察商业力之趋势、顺应商业力之精髓。 本届海西商界人物评选投票为期20天,届时投票通道详见海西商界公众号:haixishangjie。 如有任何疑问或异议请于2019年12月6日前回复本函或联系组委会秘书处,微信ID:hxsjgw,电话:18559815598。若非本人接收,烦请将上述事宜及时转达。 特此函达 《海西商界》杂志 2019年12月4日
姓名: Tara Ransome 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2019-12-04 2:18:33
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姓名: Shona Perrone 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2019-12-02 20:30:41
Hi, You’re invited to browse and have fun envisions of just the right combination of jewelry style, color and clasp/findings that can be made just for you! This is truly a Custom Handmade Jewelry shop. You are welcome to purchase exactly what is shown or select color, size, etc. New items are added weekly. I also do minor repair of your favorite jewelry that might be showing its age; remaking or restringing, new clasps, etc. for necklaces or bracelets. New findings for earrings are also available. I do not do soldering. Have a fun shopping trip! It's wedding season and I offer some lovely pieces. Swarovski Clear Crystal Cubes and Bi-Cones are simply beautiful and with or without a Swarovski Clear Crystal Pendant. Pearls are also available and you'll see some pretty bracelets with a combination of Glass Pearls and Swarovski Cubes & Bi-Cones. Gold Filled & Sterling Silver are also available. There is also a Crystal Ruffle Necklace as well. Many colors of the Swarovski Bi-Cones are available in three sizes, 6,4 & 3 mm.
姓名: youtubemoneys 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2019-11-24 12:08:21
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姓名: Marietta Bacote 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2019-11-23 9:39:15
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